Friday, August 28, 2015

Closing Store Sale

I'm posting this early because it's vacation time and me and hubby are going on a road trip...not sure when we will leave or how long we will be gone, but it's sure to be FUN!

There is a season for all things and having a digital scrapbooking store for me is coming to an end. I will still make things as bonuses for challenges and to give away here and there, but the pressure of so many commitments has run its course for me. I need time for my new craft room and my family.

I will have a sale from September 1 through November 30....come and take advantage of can get a ton of stuff for just a few dollars.

1 comment:

Joanne K said...

Thank you for the wordarts, Gloria!!

I entirely understand your decision to close your store, and scale back a bit.

Scrapbooking as a hobby is a great stress reliever, but you need to have time to actually scrap for that to work. LOL

Enjoy your holiday, and take lots of fabulous pictures, so you have some inspiration over the winter. Come back all rested, and just PLAY with scraps!!

Joanne K